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Heavatar - Opus I - All My Kingdoms (2013)

Napísané: 18 Apr 2021, 15:09
od užívateľa Horex
Heavatar - Opus I - All My Kingdoms (2013)







Year : 2013
Style : Power Metal
Country : Germany
Audio : 320 kbps + all scans
Size : 147 mb


HEAVATAR is a classical inspired, German Power Metal project founded by Van Canto Mastermind Stefan Schmidt.Heavatar, the classical inspired metal band revolving around VAN CANTO mastermind Stefan Schmidt (vocals, guitar), drummer Jörg Michael (former Stratovarius), Sebastian Scharf (lead guitars), Daniel Wicke (bass)… and some of the greatest classical composers of all time are releasing their sophomore album „Opus II – The Annihilation“ on February 16th, 2018 on earMUSIC.Unlike other classic-meets-metal projects, the purpose of Heavatar is not in just adapting classical compositions to new instrumentations. It is not writing a metal song and having some orchestra playing along. Heavatar’s music is an answer to the question “What would it sound like, if Beethoven, Mozart, Chopin and friends joined a metal band?”. The classical composer’s impact ranges from a single melody to a riff, a song structure, a harmony or even a lyrical inspiration – always picked up and thrown back by the band members, creating a unique, riff-oriented sound with some classical feel underneath. Puccini is spending some chords on the thrashy opener „None Shall Sleep“, Chopin adds some piano-based shuffle feel on “Hijacked By Unicorns” and Beethoven, Mendelssohn, Boellmann and Vivaldi are adding their style and ideas to other songs on „The Annihilation“.Standing out as a true gem of the genre and beyond, the new album displays exciting guitar riffs, a great sense for storytelling, diversified yet catchy melodies and high velocity.If „Opus I – All My Kingdoms“ was a stepping stone into the unexpected waters of classic inspired power metal, „Opus II – The Annihilation“ is a cliff-dive into the same water that bravely challenges the very barriers and possibilities of it.„Opus II – The Annihilation“ is going to be released on February 16th, 2018 on earMUSIC as CD and Digital.


Heavatar, a band comprised of quite literally the “Who’s Who” of power metal, released their first album, Opus I: All My Kingdoms through Napalm Records last month. If you don’t believe me, a glimpse into the line-up will change your mind. The band is fronted by Stefan Schmidt best known for his work as the lead vocalist in the a capella group Van Canto. On guitar is Sebastian Scharf, with Jorg Michael on drums. To even begin listing the bands Michael’s has worked with, would take up a paragraph on its own. Playing bass is David Vogt, who has requested to keep his more well-known “character” separate from this act, the power-metal faithful’s should know who I speak of. Also noteworthy, some of the choir arrangements provided on the release are brought to you by Olaf Seinkbeil, best known for his work with Blind Guardian, Freedom Call, and Helloween. Not enough power metal for you yet? Let’s move on to the music then shall we.I can’t help but hear Van Canto in the back of my mind with Schmidt’s voice pumping through the speakers. It is great to feel the stronger presence of a full band behind him. Throughout the record, the guitar work has an eerie echo to it, but it’s perfectly arranged and the movement of the riffs behind the verses and choruses are spot on. Scharf is an extremely talented neo-classical lead guitarist, as each solo and accompaniment is miles above those produced by any average band. The drum work is refreshingly different, straying away from the typical gallop we hear in power metal, and focusing on more cymbal work and intricate fills, it makes the album feel quite heavy. The bass rides along well with the drums; the tone is audible, though I do wish that the bass was more prominent in the mixing. The choir arrangements are beautiful and really are the cherry on top to this fabulous release.“Replica” kicks the album off, with a heavenly vocal presence falling into quite the catchy opener. Similar to Van Canto’s “Quest for Roar” the chorus has a wonderful “chant-along” presence, providing us with that typical euro-power metal sound. These total epic neo-classical movements mixed with absolutely no orchestral instruments or keyboards, is all brought to you by impressive layered vocal work. Truly a sound never heard before and worthy of some true praise and listens. “All My Kingdoms” packs another vocal punch, all the while never sacrificing that true heavy crunch that power metal fans crave. The choir work, again, is strong and high in the stratosphere. Bringing orchestrated sounds into the album, appearing as more of a more ballad like song is, “The Look Above” which features beautiful classical pieces combined with Schmidt’s soothing voice cooing along. The song of course picks up, introducing the guitars and drums abruptly, with soaring choirs soon to follow.Surely to please any power metal fan with its intricate, neo-classical solos, deep and meaningful lyrics, or the layered vocal choir arrangements, this album has something for everyone. For the non-power fans, this album could get slightly repetitive, but don’t lose faith. This is one strong release worthy of a listen. The musicianship that went into writing and arranging these songs are high above average. I dare any band out there to try and top it. So far, Opus I: All My Kingdoms wins this year’s award for originality and best arrangements, especially for the last track “To the Metal”. Clearly an album for us, by us! Power metal fans rejoice!

Line Up:

Charles Greywolf - Bass (2012-present) - See also: Flowing Tears, Powerwolf, Red Aim
Jörg Michael - Drums (2012-present) - See also: Headhunter, ex-House of Spirits, ex-Surgeon, ex-Living Death, ex-Avenger, Devil's Train, ex-Axel Rudi Pell, ex-Beto Vazquez Infinity, ex-Grave Digger, ex-Kaledon, ex-Mekong Delta, ex-Onkel Tom Angelripper, ex-Rage, ex-Running Wild, ex-Saxon, ex-Soulslide, ex-Stratovarius, ex-Unleashed Power, ex-Glenmore
Sebastian Scharf - Guitars (lead) (2012-present) - See also: Punish My Heaven (live), ex-Fading Starlight
Stefan Schmidt - Guitars (rhythm), Vocals (lead) (2012-present) - See also: Van Canto, ex-Jester's Funeral, ex-Fading Starlight


01. Replica 04:38
02. Abracadabra 03:35
03. All My Kingdoms 04:10
04. Elysium At Dawn 04:20
05. Long Way Home 05:35
06. Born to fly 04:19
07. Luna! Luna! 04:56
08. The Look Above 11:04
09. To the Metal 04:53

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