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Screaming Eagle - Ride The Tiger (2018)

Napísané: 10 Jan 2018, 06:57
od užívateľa Horex
Screaming Eagle - Ride The Tiger (2018)






Year : 2018
Style : Hard Rock
Country : Australia
Audio : 320 kbps + front + Video
Size : 122 mb


Screaming Eagle are an energetic rock band from the Central Coast, captivating audiences at many venues and events with their enjoyable high-energy show.Screaming Eagle‘s sound has been described as classic rock drawing on influences from a wide variety of respected artists some of which include, The Rolling Stones, Easybeats through to Bon Jovi,hitesnake and The Screaming Jets. With the individual members of the band having much wider and diverse personal influences.The band draws a strong crowd response with members Matt Piper and Nick Cronin being previous members of highly respected Central Coast band ‘No Pressure‘ as well as Nathan Downey and Angus Mitchell being in Room 13. As a collective the members have played alongside such greats as, Dave Gleeson (Screaming Jets), The Radiators, The Brewster Brothers (The Angels), Dragon and more.Screaming Eagle are building a strong live following having performed at well over 150 events and shows varying between originals and a full selection of covers.”


A mash of sweaty bodies colliding together, piles of green tins, top hats and a string of killer hooks, pretty much sums up the debut single, ‘Ride The Tiger,’ from rockers Screaming Eagle. The four piece recently teamed up with Holliday Music to shoot, film and produce a phenomenal accompanying clip, launching the band’s official debut with a bang. Taking the time to chat with frontman Matt Piper, Newcastle Live took a deep dive into Screaming Eagle, to chat about band ethos, classic rock and (near miss) eviction notices.“It was just mayhem all afternoon” says Matt of the making of the clip. “There was always something happening”. The track in question, ’Ride The Tiger’, is a collection of tight riffs backed by that classic rock vibe, but with a quintessentially modern edge, and was a clear standout choice for the band’s first release. Set to a backdrop of a crazy, gritty, boozed up house party, the clip is a complex collection of a bunch of mates, simply having a really (really) good time.This kind of sentiment really extends well past just the concept of the video, and it’s really more of an ethos for the band themselves. “Obviously we love playing rock and roll and playing shows and stuff, but we also like to enjoy ourselves… Some more than others (laughs)… The track itself is kind of about having a good time. We’re up for a bit of fun,” says Matt.But shooting the video definitely came with a price. The madness and mayhem you see in the video, almost cost the occupants their lease. Sure, you’d probably expect a noise complaint here and there, it’s pretty much a given in this day and age but… it was a little more extreme than that. “After the shoot, we decided to throw a bit of a party as well, and our drummers mate ended up on the neighbours roof… it’s safe to say it’s pretty quiet over there now” (laughs).But Screaming Eagle as an outfit, are a lot more complex then they may seem on the surface. After taking the time to chat with frontman Matt, it’s clear that the band have been playing the long game. “With this line up, we’ve been together for five years, we finally got off our arses and actually did something”. Whatever the method behind the madness, it’s working.The clear inspiration taken from the classic rock purists of yesteryear, is what really sets Screaming Eagle apart from similar bands floating around their demographic. This influence and purist passion really surfaced from a rather unorthodox event, which happened when Matt was just a kid. “I got in trouble once at school for swearing, my Dad found out and he snapped all my 50 cent and Eminem CDs and it’s probably the best thing that could have happened to me. It was all ACDC from then on out”.Like what you hear? Screaming Eagle’s debut album, recorded at Electric Sun studios in Sydney, is set to be released in December, with a whole string of shows attached to launch the record. In its essence, this debut album is really a culmination of five years of slogging it out, stitching together snippets of collected work and creative output setting the stage for what is sure to be a really solid debut release.

Line Up:

Matt Piper - Vocals/Guitar
Foal Cronin - Guitar
Angus Mitchell - Bass
Nathan Downey - Drums


01. Stuck In A Hole
02. Let Me Out
03. Venom
04. Right Down
05. The Last Crusade
06. Ride The Tiger
07. This Time
08. Breaking Point
09. Smoking Gun
10. Toxic Lust

+ Video "Ride The Tiger" (Official Video)

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